Sorry about the lack of update last week. Life got busy…

Well, I really don’t have any good excuses… I was completely hooked by the whole NBC-Leno-Conan-Late-Night-Show debacle. I spend hours and hours watching these stuff online…

The Conan show has become super-awesome… I highly recommend you folks check it out on Hulu — after you tell all of your friends about the awesome Judge Frazer web comic!

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I thought about changing Judge Frazer’s format to weekly, longer posting. But I changed my mind! I’m going to stick with the daily posting for now…

However, I’m only going to post new comics Monday-Friday instead of EVERYDAY. When I rebooted this comic I naively thought that each update would get easier and faster to make. Not true. I was wrong. I know that now.

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Note: I’ve answered some reader questions regarding the 1/18 posting.
read about it

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